Yay for the afternoon off

December 11, 2008

I had a half day of vacation just hanging around, so I decided to take it today.

Left work at 12, stopped at Michael’s.

Came home for lunch.


Aren’t you proud?!? I ground the beans, frothed the milk and made the coffee! Wasn’t as good as Graham’s, but I do what I can. Sort of random, but that’s two oat banana muffins. 

I headed out to Yorkdale and was quite successful! I had a few more errands to do after that – return to Canadian Tire, Chapters, etc… I considered that my exercise today. After four days in a row, and a particularly long workout yesterday, I decided to take a day off.

Here was dinner…


Check out our new napkins! $1.97 each at Pottery Barn today. They only had two left, but ah well, they will be for the two of us! That’s why I switched out to the summer mats, so I could show off my bargain!

Here’s a close-up on dinner…


Shrimp, brown rice and carrots, with garlic, sesame oil and soy sauce!

Looking forward to CSI tonight, though Grissom leaves… I wonder what will happen to the show? 

Enjoy your evening, whatever you’re up to!

Rest of my Friday

December 5, 2008

Sorry! The day just got away from me and I haven’t had time to post! So, here goes, from the morning…

I got up around 7:45 (what a nice sleep-in!) and went downstairs to the gym at 8. I did 4 miles on the treadmill, while watching Food Network. That’s definitely the advantage to the gym in the building. I like watching tv while I run.

Breakfast was a weekday breakfast! I wasn’t going to make something fancy just for me…


I did have hot chocolate, so that was a nice change!

The morning was busy… had something to do for work, then went to Yorkdale. I was semi-successful, getting new hand towels for the bathroom (I’ll take a picture in the light tomorrow), but that was about it. I do have some good Christmas ideas now, though… After that, I was off to Bulk Barn and Walmart, where I got mostly baking stuff.

Lunch was simple…


I think I’ve told you this before, but when we were young, we used to have “reading lunches” when the three of us (my mum, my sister and me) all had good books. I ended up finishing my book over lunch – I recommend it for a light read, but not much more than that…

I went back out shopping again after lunch, and got Graham’s Secret Santa gift for the party tomorrow night (guess it’s not so secret!) and also got gifts for his nephews. 

Then, it was off to Twilight! I felt like a big nerd because I was the only one there by myself. I think I fell asleep for a few minutes in the middle, but overall, it was a really captivating movie! My co-worker doesn’t like Edward (thinks that the actor wasn’t the “to die for” Edward from the book…), but I liked him! I wonder when the next film will come out…

I was home around 6:30 and cleaned up – I had stuff everywhere after all my errands. I made gingerbread for the party tomorrow, but no pictures yet… I’ll wait til better light tomorrow. I’ll also post the recipe, because it’s so easy and tasty!

I made a fast and easy dinner: shrimp with veggies and couscous.



After the photo, I mixed it all together and added some soy sauce. Oh, and I couldn’t resist a beer on a Friday night.

Speaking of Friday nights… Graham’s not coming home til tomorrow. We’ll meet in Mississauga and go right to the Christmas party. So, I’m alone! As soon as I finish this post, I’m going to make tea and cut a piece of gingerbread and settle in to Lipstick Jungle.

Hope your Friday night is as relaxing as mine is!

Saturday at last

November 29, 2008

Well, Friday was ok too!

We had my sister over for dinner and she and Graham were both already home when I got home. They were starting dinner – pasta with shrimp in a vodka sauce. I made the salad – easy job!


Sorry for the poor photo. I think I was already a little tipsy (vodka cocktail and glass of wine… second one to follow). It was a tasty, excellent meal. 

For dessert, Graham picked up his favourite cakes – a piece of dobos (a Hungarian cake) and a St. Honore. I had a small piece of dobos.


I fell asleep on the sofa pretty early – very uneventful night!

This morning, we had waffles!


I had another half. 🙂

We went out for some errands this morning, did a few jobs, etc…

For lunch, I had two little sandwiches: both BLTs.


We’re sort of having a quiet day, which is nice considering the past few Saturdays!

Hope you’re relaxing today, too!

‘Twas the day before Friday…

November 20, 2008

Happy Thursday, everyone! This was the scene in Mississauga today…


Quite a nice morning! I had the doctor at 9:15 [who sent me for an x-ray and told me to see a physio for my hip] and the dentist at 11 [just a cleaning]. I high-tailed it back to the apartment to work from home for the afternoon.

Here was my lunch…


That’s 1/2 c. oatmeal with 1/2 c. milk, 1/2 c. water. 1/2 a banana mixed in with cinnamon and walnuts, then peanut butter on top. The verdict? Not my favourite! Couldn’t finish it, to be honest. I found it too sweet with the PB, I think. I’m not sure I’m really able to eat oats anymore…

Sidenote: Sarah tends to eat things so often that she gets sick of them. And then cannot eat them anymore. This happened with peanut butter in high school. This happened with Quaker Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal during the first two years of university. This now has happened with oats/banana/cinnamon combination after eating that nearly everyday last year, from about September to May.

It pains me to say this, since Tina, Kath and Rose – all well known for their love of oats – all adore the oats and PB combo. Just not for me, I say!

My afternoon went ok… had the snow tires put on, read some of my book. Oh yeah, worked too! I snacked on crackers and some w.w. chips throughout the afternoon – not too much, though. Before I knew it, it was 7:35. I made a quick, if slightly less than satisfying, dinner…


And then, the most satisfying part of the meal…


So satisfying, I might have had a 2nd (smaller!) bowl.

Now, I am mid-way through CSI, tea in hand. I wanted to get a good post in before it got too late and I got too lazy.

The plan for the weekend? Graham comes home tomorrow – yay! We are going up to the cottage Saturday – Sunday. It’s supposed to be -6 in Huntsville. The cabin is heated by wood stove. BRRR!

What about you? Any great weekend plans? I hope so!

Night night!

Lazy Tuesday

November 11, 2008

This is the life! Well, I say that… it would be pretty lonely to lead the exact life that I had today. It was lots of alone time! But, it is nice to have a Tuesday to myself – with no work in sight!

I had a great shopping trip at Yorkdale, buying two skirts, a turtleneck and earrings. Pretty good!

I came home to a quick left-over lunch.



I’ve had a pretty chill afternoon – the bank, the shoe repair man, my book (finally finished Breaking Dawn!), two episodes of Lipstick Jungle. 


Great dinner! Even though the sweet potato fries were a tad crispy! I’m now relaxing with my hot water bottle [side note: I think there is something wrong with our heat…] and Dancing with the Stars. I always said I wanted peace and quiet from Graham’s comments on results night, but I wish he was here! Ah well, Friday will come soon…


1 down, 4 to go

October 27, 2008

‘Til the weekend, that is! I had a very busy day, but managed to get in a run after work. My legs cooperated, so I did about 32 minutes on the treadmill. Speedy, but just enough to get me going.

Graham and I made dinner together – shrimp and rice. These pictures don’t do it justice! I told Graham that he could do a guest post, but he just laughed. He made the shrimp part, while I was making more pear muffins for Graham to take to work.

I’m watching Dancing with the Stars tonight and Graham is prepping law school stuff. Typical night here! I’m going to make sure to get in some reading because my book is getting so intense!

Short, but sweet

September 26, 2008

So, since I posted earlier… I didn’t run. I did some ironing and started some baking. Graham came home and we chatted and hung around, while waiting for the first peach bread to finish. Then we went to the store and got the ingredients for diner – shrimp pasta.

Then, while taking the second peach bread out of the oven, I decided it was a good time for dessert…


(Sorry for the blurry pictures :()

So, no more for me tonight! That was more than enough. I am totally feeling guilty for not running, too. I had plenty of time and it would have cleared my head. Plus… tomorrow is Graham’s nephew’s 4th birthday, so that means cake, barbeque, etc. My mum is also coming to breakfast – I think we will have waffles. We have to get up pretty early, considering that she’ll be here at 8:30, and we want to run first. Yikes, seems like a tall order!

Hope you’re having a great Friday night! 🙂