Short, but sweet

September 26, 2008

So, since I posted earlier… I didn’t run. I did some ironing and started some baking. Graham came home and we chatted and hung around, while waiting for the first peach bread to finish. Then we went to the store and got the ingredients for diner – shrimp pasta.

Then, while taking the second peach bread out of the oven, I decided it was a good time for dessert…


(Sorry for the blurry pictures :()

So, no more for me tonight! That was more than enough. I am totally feeling guilty for not running, too. I had plenty of time and it would have cleared my head. Plus… tomorrow is Graham’s nephew’s 4th birthday, so that means cake, barbeque, etc. My mum is also coming to breakfast – I think we will have waffles. We have to get up pretty early, considering that she’ll be here at 8:30, and we want to run first. Yikes, seems like a tall order!

Hope you’re having a great Friday night! 🙂

Monday blues

September 22, 2008

Well, it actually wasn’t that bad after all. I had a long day today – got home around 6:30, and then Graham came in about a minute later. I had bought bok choy and bean sprouts for stir-fry, so we threw that together. Check this out!

We had brown rice, chicken, carrots, onions, garlic, bean sprouts and bok choy. Tasty and healthy! And, there are two servings left for Graham’s lunch too! That makes it much easier for me in the morning. Oh, and here is my little beer!

I had about a quarter of Graham’s bottle, in this little glass! Just the perfect amount for me.

So, I’m relaxing in front of the TV, watching… Dancing with the Stars! I love it! Graham is distressed (“What?? You’re watching that for two hours??”), but he’s at the table, studying. I’m enjoying the show, tea and peach bread.

I am going for piece #2 for sure – maybe in hour #2! I’ve packed some up for Graham to take to work tomorrow. If it stayed around here, I would eat every single crumb. No joke. 

PS – This bread also looks amazing! I haven’t yet baked anything from 101 Cookbooks, but this is now bookmarked. At this rate, I’ll need to run 17.3k every day! 🙂

Busy day!

September 21, 2008

Ok, I have many great photos to share with my loyal readers!

I drove down to the Yonge/Eglinton area to do some shopping. I stopped at Restoration Hardware, Toys R Us (for a birthday gift for Graham’s nephew), Kitchen Stuff Plus (picture of my new purchases coming!), Roots, Sporting Life… lots of looking, not too much buying. While out and about, I had a Granny Smith apple and a few bites of a Pistachio Larabar. It was good, but I just wasn’t in the mood…

Then I went to the grocery store. And here’s what I came back with – my first grocery trip photo!

I won’t bore you with the close-ups, but I will tell you that chicken breasts were on sale, so I got two packages. And milk was buy 1, get 1, so I got 2! lol (and, by the way, I picked up oatmeal, peaches, blueberries, apples, cheese and a few things that I’m forgetting yesterday…)

I goofed around on the internet a little and snacked on a little TJ trail mix, with the last few Life. Not too exciting – it’s like my standard snack these days!

Next up was baking. As I mentioned, I saw many good recipes over at Closet Cooking and I happened to buy peaches yesterday… so Peach Bread it was!

My banana obviously wasn’t ripe, but I figured since I was only using one, and it wasn’t the focus of the recipe (like, if it were Banana Bread, not Peach Bread), it would be ok. Finished product coming up!

Then, after the bread finished, I started on dinner. Graham called to say he was an hour away and wanted a chicken salad for dinner, so I put three breasts in the oven – we’ll eat the other two after Running Room on Tuesday. I made myself a quick dinner – but an excellent one! Quesadillas! With photos! Exclamation Mark!

And tada! My new purchases! A vanilla scented candle and new placemats! Now, I have a story for both. Graham has always said that candles are a waste of money and space… you just get too many and you don’t want them and they’re not good for anything. But Graham said the other day that we should have a candle! And, as I think I’ve told you before, Graham believes in only having cork-backed placemats. I was a rebel today, so we’ll see what he says when he gets home. But these ones are really pretty! Much more suitable for fall, over the sunflowers. What do you think?? Can’t we have a place on our table for fabric and cork-backed placemats?? I think so too.

Now, the final photo of the evening – the Peach Bread!

Rough, right out of the oven! Should have re-plated it, but ah well. It’s the somewhat ugly side to baking – a round cookie sheet and lots of crumbs! But, it’s tasty and that is the most important part!

Told ya – giant post! I’m watching the Emmy’s for now, but I’m actually waiting for Graham to get home because I have so much to tell him. Are you dreading Monday like I am? Enjoy the last few hours of weekend freedom! 🙂