One Photo Monday

January 26, 2009

Hello my loyal readers,

Hope you all had a lovely Monday. We had some more ups and downs at work today – seems to be a weekly occurrence! Overall, I had a fairly nice start to the week.

After work, I knocked out 8k (7 run, 1 walk) and then some weights, basically simulating Jillian Michaels’ routine, but at the gym. 

I made a trip over to Shoppers’, then perused the magazines at Chapters. Nothing like reading for free! 🙂

Dinner was easy tonight – maple salmon and leftover roasted veggies.


Hence the title – easy meal, easy post!

I had a little dessert (sin bowl with gummi bears and Nibs, amounting to 150kcal) while watching streaming Gossip Girl. I’ve found a great site and I’m excited to try the show! It’s the perfect pastime for Graham-free evenings! Oh, well, except that I’m supposed to be stripping the dresser and bookshelf, in preparation for painting this weekend. And there’s Daring Bakers to finish. And skis/snowboard to pick up. And ironing napkins. Ah well, guess that can be done tomorrow!

Night, all. Sleep well!

I am tired and this is why

December 10, 2008

Double workout today: 4.38mile run (7.02km) + 30 minutes spin class. And I worked hard, let me just say! 

Dinner looked much like yesterday…


Off to bed very soon – night!

Nearly bed time

December 9, 2008

Hello my loyal readers. I’m tired! But first let me tell you what I’ve been up to.

I tried to run at the gym at work, but forgot socks! I came home and ran here instead, watching Food at the same time. 

Next, it was to the mall for groceries, the cleaners and the library.

Next, dinner!


This was half the salmon, so it will be making an appearance tomorrow, as well as more brussels sprouts!

I’ve been relaxing with tea, cookies and some jelly beans! 🙂 I think it’s bedtime soon, though. Today was a 2-coffee day, so I think I need some extra sleep.

Hope you’ve had an enjoyable Tuesday and see you tomorrow for Hump Day!

PS – Made muffins tonight so that I could use my Christmas muffin papers! I’ll have one for breakfast tomorrow, then post the recipe. Want to make sure they’re ok!


Lazy Tuesday

November 11, 2008

This is the life! Well, I say that… it would be pretty lonely to lead the exact life that I had today. It was lots of alone time! But, it is nice to have a Tuesday to myself – with no work in sight!

I had a great shopping trip at Yorkdale, buying two skirts, a turtleneck and earrings. Pretty good!

I came home to a quick left-over lunch.



I’ve had a pretty chill afternoon – the bank, the shoe repair man, my book (finally finished Breaking Dawn!), two episodes of Lipstick Jungle. 


Great dinner! Even though the sweet potato fries were a tad crispy! I’m now relaxing with my hot water bottle [side note: I think there is something wrong with our heat…] and Dancing with the Stars. I always said I wanted peace and quiet from Graham’s comments on results night, but I wish he was here! Ah well, Friday will come soon…


Great evening!

November 10, 2008

Hello all! The after-work part of my day has been great!

First, the food round-up (day 1 of being accountable)!

Breakfast – 2 packages oatmeal, tea
Lunch – english muffin with butter, turkey soup


Snack – Halloween mini chocolate bar and two small Lindt chocolate balls; Kashi bar before the gym

After work, I had a great run! I set the treadmill for 30 minutes and forgot to let the time tick up – to try Heather’s workout trick. I’ll try to remember Wednesday. Anyway, I had a great (fast!) run and then did some abs.

After getting home, I made Tina‘s pumpkin muffins.


I only made half the recipe – I’m saving the other half of the egg for pancakes tomorrow!

Then, on to dinner. I figured my first (weeknight) alone shouldn’t be a cop-out meal. I had salmon, brussels sprouts and an english muffin with goat cheese. Yum!



I had about two-thirds of the salmon and had some brussels sprouts left in the steamer pot, so will save those for tomorrow. What a tasty dinner!

Now – I am relaxing with Dancing with the Stars. I’m having a muffin with Graham’s parents’ apple butter jam – very tasty! Oh, and tea too. I have tomorrow off (Remembrance Day in Canada, and I work for a bank) and can’t wait! I know it was just the weekend, but I have lots of things to do. On the list? Pancake breakfast, ironing, reading, watching Lipstick Jungle, run… hmm, some other stuff too, but don’t remember!

Hope you’re having a great evening!

‘Twas the night before LSAT…

October 3, 2008

And all through the house… a creature was studying… as quiet as a mouse.

Yes, Graham is at the table, studying. I, meanwhile, am watching The Prince and Me on Peachtree TV (formerly TBS). Ahh… this is the life!

No work talk going on here – let’s just say I was happy to escape just after 5. Life goes on! I was dissuaded from running because I needed to get to the store, and then Graham called and wanted a pick up from the bus. We came home and made dinner – salmon, baguette, brussels sprouts (what we wanted last night!) and salad. And wine! Oh, the wine. Need the wine!

Note the fish cutlery?! 😉

We tried latte art this morning, but it’s not as good as last time.

Hope you all have a lovely evening! See you tomorrow! 🙂

Quick dinner

September 8, 2008

It’s now 9pm… where did the night go!

Graham and I made homemade spaghetti sauce and that was his dinner, with leftover bow tie pasta from the market.

I had smoked salmon, celery and focaccia bread. Then, for desert, leftover peach tart and tea!

Am now ready to settle into my book… night!

Long run!

September 7, 2008

Very proud of us – we did 13k this morning. We actually both had an easy run and we were lucky because it started raining at about kilometer 12, but we were nearly home. For brekfast, we had cream of wheat, with peaches and coffee. There’s something wrong with Graham’s grinder, so I ran out for coffee – Graham got espresso and frothed his own milk, and I got a latte.

We did laundry, got groceries and now Graham is making his own beef stock and studying for the LSATs. For lunch, I had english muffin with some smoked salmon, and then two muffins and two gummy worms. Yum 🙂

Oh, Graham just stole the green gummy worm. Guess I’m only half as bad now!

I am watching the first episode of the new 90210 and relaxing! Nice lazy afternoon! My parents will be over at 6, so dinner will be later. Cya!


August 29, 2008

I’ve had a relaxing morning around here, but will leave soon for the bank, to pick up my new sunglasses, return a sweater and then to Mississauga. We’re eating dinner with Graham’s parents later, so I’ll stop in and see mine first. 

Lunch time! Smoked salmon, pita and tomato…

And a few more of Tina’s muffins!

(And maybe a third…) 🙂

Ali @ Cheaper Than Therapy was talking about the new 90210 today, and that led to Beaches. Which got me thinking about my favourite childhood movies. Troop Beverly Hills! I love, love, love that movie!

Turns out we are taking my computer, so you might see some posts from me. But, have a great Labour Day Weekend!