Full day’s worth

September 9, 2008

Of posts, that is!

This morning I gave oats a go and had a very tasty bowl! (or square glass container, actually…)

1/2 c. oats
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. milk
1/2 banana
1 peach
sprinkle of TJ’s granola

I microwaved the oats, water and milk for the first minute, then added the banana and microwaved for another nearly 2 minutes (the container was large, so that’s why it needed even more time). Then I added the peach and granola.

It doesn’t look all that creamy, but trust me, it was – compared to normal microwaved oatmeal, at least. A very nice way to start the day.

Moving right along to dinner… beef bourguignon! This is what we made on Sunday/Monday. We had it with toasted focaccia… yum! And now I am having a small piece of peach tart. Excellent meal!

*Sorry, the light has reflected into both pictures!

Up for tomorrow? Well, work! And spinning. And then we’ll see after that. I have something planned for dinner, but it’s sort of an experiment, so we’ll see how it goes! Night! 🙂

Today’s Special

September 6, 2008

Yum… French Toast! The bread was left over from last night’s dinner and the peaches were amazing! I will let the pictures do the talking…


We met an old family friend who was in town for a dragon boat race at the waterfront. Graham and I met my parents down there and saw the family friend and my mum’s friend who also does dragon boating as a cancer survivor. It was really nice to see them both.

We then went to St. Lawrence Market for awhile. Graham loves going there on Saturdays! We got squid and fresh pasta (for tonight’s dinner), as well as chuck (making spaghetti sauce and beef bourgignon tomorrow to freeze) and soup bones.

Before our run, Graham needed a sugar boost – with some of last night’s cake!

He’s making dinner now, so I should go help (clean up as he goes!).

Breakfast & Lunch

September 6, 2008

When I stopped at Starbuck’s yesterday morning, they had free samples of one of the new healthy breakfast choices, the fruit and nut bar. I saved it to have at work, along with my latte and peach oatmeal. The bar was tasty, so I guess a good choice if you want something sweet with your coffee, but it wasn’t
out-of-this-world good.

Lunch was boring – at my desk again!


I had a few candies mid-afternoon, then went to the gym for a 7k run – candies before the gym = sore tummy! But I made it through. The party last night was tonnes of fun, but I ate way too much cake!

We’re now getting breakfast ready today, but I won’t be able to post til later. See you then!

Spinning wheel…

August 27, 2008

Ahh, this is nice! Watching tennis, fixing up my blog… freshly baked muffins! I had a great day today – busy but good – until I started getting antsy around 4:15. Good thing I had spinning today! The class was great and I really felt it, being away for three weeks.

Came home and we didn’t know what to make for dinner. Pasta is always fast, and so is shrimp, so we made up a pasta. Piccata Pasta!

Trader Joe’s Piccata sauce
Ingredients for salad!


Graham’s dinner (sorry for the off-centre shot!)

My dinner

I used up the last of the muffin mix, which gave me three muffins! I might eat one now, or I might have a peach. The night is still young, so I will have a snack in awhile. I feel very thirsty (have for about the past two weeks) so I do need more water! I’m parched! See you tomorrow 🙂