Nearly bed time

December 9, 2008

Hello my loyal readers. I’m tired! But first let me tell you what I’ve been up to.

I tried to run at the gym at work, but forgot socks! I came home and ran here instead, watching Food at the same time.Β 

Next, it was to the mall for groceries, the cleaners and the library.

Next, dinner!


This was half the salmon, so it will be making an appearance tomorrow, as well as more brussels sprouts!

I’ve been relaxing with tea, cookies and some jelly beans! πŸ™‚ I think it’s bedtime soon, though. Today was a 2-coffee day, so I think I need some extra sleep.

Hope you’ve had an enjoyable Tuesday and see you tomorrow for Hump Day!

PS – Made muffins tonight so that I could use my Christmas muffin papers! I’ll have one for breakfast tomorrow, then post the recipe. Want to make sure they’re ok!



October 26, 2008

Happy Sunday!

But, back to yesterday first… we had a very productive afternoon at home (cleaned a little, put summer clothes in storage and got out the winter stuff, etc…) before Graham’s old roommate and his girlfriend came over, and Graham’s mum too. She was coming to drop some things off and they happened to all arrive at the same time. Graham’s mum and his old roommate get along really well, so we all chatted for awhile. I made these muffins for them to take on their car ride back to Ottawa…

We have tonnes of pears to use up and Graham’s mum bought more! I really liked the fact that the pear was grated – every bite tasted so good, and it’s a nice change from chunks. I did half all-purpose and half whole-wheat flour, which was a great combo. Everyone thought they were tasty. We gave them some to take in the car, too.

Next it was on to dinner. The four of us went to Swiss Chalet – quick, tasty and reasonable. We had a really nice time, chatting and laughing. They needed to get back to Ottawa, so we were home around 9. I watched Lipstick Jungle (love, love, love the characters on that show!) and Graham looked up Land Rovers on the internet all night.

Now, today. We had… waffles with pears for breakfast. Yup, gotta use up those pears!

I put the caramelized pears on my plate after the photo. I also had an extra quarter.

Graham’s just getting showered and ready for the day now (wrote a really long email to his friend in Belgium), so I’m blogging and watching Thursday’s episode of CSI. We might go visit our mothers this afternoon (dads are both busy, so mothers are alone… we are good kids, aren’t we?!?) or might also go for a hike. The weather forecast does say it’s going to rain, though…

Anyway, hope you have a great Sunday! See you later!

Long run!

September 7, 2008

Very proud of us – we did 13k this morning. We actually both had an easy run and we were lucky because it started raining at about kilometer 12, but we were nearly home. For brekfast, we had cream of wheat, with peaches and coffee. There’s something wrong with Graham’s grinder, so I ran out for coffee – Graham got espresso and frothed his own milk, and I got a latte.

We did laundry, got groceries and now Graham is making his own beef stock and studying for the LSATs. For lunch, I had english muffin with some smoked salmon, and then two muffins and two gummy worms. Yum πŸ™‚

Oh, Graham just stole the green gummy worm. Guess I’m only half as bad now!

I am watching the first episode of the new 90210 and relaxing! Nice lazy afternoon! My parents will be over at 6, so dinner will be later. Cya!


August 29, 2008

I’ve had a relaxing morning around here, but will leave soon for the bank, to pick up my new sunglasses, return a sweater and then to Mississauga. We’re eating dinner with Graham’s parents later, so I’ll stop in and see mine first.Β 

Lunch time! Smoked salmon, pita and tomato…

And a few more of Tina’s muffins!

(And maybe a third…) πŸ™‚

Ali @ Cheaper Than Therapy was talking about the new 90210 today, and that led to Beaches. Which got me thinking about my favourite childhood movies. Troop Beverly Hills! I love, love, love that movie!

Turns out we are taking my computer, so you might see some posts from me. But, have a great Labour Day Weekend!

Happy Thursday!

August 28, 2008

This has been a busy, but productive night!

I got home around 5:15 and looked at the internet a little. I snacked on some (too many!) honey roasted nuts. I put laundry in before running some errands – shoes to the shoemaker, dry cleaning to pick up, groceries to get. I had decided notΒ to run, because it was dark and cold out. But after getting back from the mall, I really felt like it! I did 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym in my building. It’s the first time that I have used the gym here and it was good – enjoyable to watch Food Network while running and I was the only one there.

I had debated on dinner – really wanted pancakes. But, since I have the day off tomorrow, I thought I’d save that for breakfast or lunch. Here is dinner:

Graham is out with friends, so it’s just me! Before eating dinner, I put some muffins in the oven. Tina at Carrots n Cake makes great looking muffins all the time and I’ve been meaning to try them. I made Pumpkin-Peanut Butter-Chocolate Muffins. Yum! My only complaint is that I under-cooked them. Ah well, they’re still very good. Enjoying my muffins and tea, while watching tennis…

On an unrelated note to food… I have started reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It is so good! I have read about 60 pages so far and can’t wait to sit down with it tonight. If you’ve not heard about the series, I highly recommend getting into it!

I’ll be sure to post whatever my special, day off breakfast is tomorrow morning. Good night!

Spinning wheel…

August 27, 2008

Ahh, this is nice! Watching tennis, fixing up my blog… freshly baked muffins! I had a great day today – busy but good – until I started getting antsy around 4:15. Good thing I had spinning today! The class was great and I really felt it, being away for three weeks.

Came home and we didn’t know what to make for dinner. Pasta is always fast, and so is shrimp, so we made up a pasta. Piccata Pasta!

Trader Joe’s Piccata sauce
Ingredients for salad!


Graham’s dinner (sorry for the off-centre shot!)

My dinner

I used up the last of the muffin mix, which gave me three muffins! I might eat one now, or I might have a peach. The night is still young, so I will have a snack in awhile. I feel very thirsty (have for about the past two weeks) so I do need more water! I’m parched! See you tomorrow πŸ™‚