Bright and early

October 4, 2008

Up at 6:45. On a Saturday. This was the view.

This was breakfast.

After taking Graham to York for the test, I have been watching tv, talking to my mum, putzing around on the internet.

Non-food related comment
The new 90210 is garbage (as Graham’s nephew would say). I am not going to waste another minute of my time on that show. The actors are horrible, the plot is slow and moronic. I hate the filming. I am so over it. On the other hand, I love Lipstick Jungle. I have the first two of this season on PVR and just watched the first one now. Love the clothes, personalities, story line. Between this, Amazing Race, Dancing with the Start and CSI [sidebar: wonder what’s going to happen this year… will it be any good, with all the changes??], I think that’s enough tv for me.

On tap today? Not sure, really. Graham will be done around 1 or 2, I think, and we’re going for our long run today. Other than that, I should probably get going and make the most of my Saturday. Have a great one!

Breakfast at 1216

September 28, 2008

Graham stopped by the Hungarian deli on Friday and got breakfast wieners. That’s not really my thing… so I had Cream of Wheat. See pics here!


We decided to change up our usual Sunday run. Graham is doing a full practice test now and I am going to Yorkdale (to Crate and Barrel) for 11 o’clock. When I get back and when Graham is done the test – around 12:30 or so – we will go out for 15k (Graham needs to catch up, so I am bumping back a little). After that, Graham will do another complete test and then we are going out for dinner with his cousin, who is in town for the weekend. Right now, I’ve got laundry in the dryer and I’m going to read some of Eclipse.

And I will leave you with latte art… sort of. Til later!