Crack me up

September 27, 2008

September Daring Bakers

This month’s challenge was hosted by Natalie and Shel. The recipe was Lavash Crackers (check out their sites for the typed-out recipe – I am too lazy!) and the great thing about it was the personalization. Other than the basic recipe, the rest was up to us! As you can see, I went very plain for my crackers. I did half sesame seeds and half Fleur de Sel. For my dip, I totally took the lazy way out – straight avocado!

Here’s what happened: I actually made crackers three weeks ago.

But I forgot to moisten the top, so the seeds didn’t stick. I ate the crackers themselves, over the next few days. 

Then, today, I was reading blogs on Google Reader and saw some challenges already posted! I guess I lost track of the date, so realized that I needed to post asap. The crackers are really easy and fast to make, but at 9 o’clock on a Saturday night… all I want to do is sit like a lump and watch the tv! So, I just put out some avocado. A few crackers were my post-dinner snack…

Might have peach bread too! 🙂

Check out all the other Daring Bakers here!


September 18, 2008

My day started off well. I had two packages of the instant oatmeal again, and took a photo!

Here is the box, so you can see which one I am having.

Pretty soon after that, my day headed down the terrible path. The kind of day where you just want to bury your head in the sand (or hide under the covers). But you know if you do that, your problems will be one hundred times bigger when you resurface. I pretty much felt tense and nervous all day. And am still feeling that way.

But, along to lunch. I had a smoked salmon wrap, with a smear of avocado, lettuce, green pepper and cherry tomatoes. I also had plain yogurt with raspberries and a little honey. So tasty! I took a photo, but it was absolutely terrible. Sorry.

Now, on to my snack. I discovered Heather and Mark’s blog, Hangry Pants, and while reading it, came across this post. Heather was talking about snacking and her great readers were giving great advice. It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. If I am running or going to spinning after work, I will sometimes have a snack (banana or something) mid-afternoon. Then I might have something when I get home. If I’m not working out, I will come home and eat, eat, eat, pretty much. If I’m in the apartment after work and before dinner, I just can’t help myself. A great tip that I saw from one of the comments was to leave your snack out so when you’re home, it’s right there. Pre-portioned. I think that’s a really good idea! I didn’t really practice this today, but I do intend to start doing that. Today, I had a banana around 3:15, then this snack when I got home…

That’s Trader Joe’s Simply Almonds, Cashews and Cranberries Trail Mix. Graham and I are going out for a run soon, so that’s enough for now.

I’ll be back after dinner… see you then!