Losing my brain…

July 31, 2008

I could not find my battery charger this morning for the life of me… well, I ended up finding it tonight, but oh well!

Breakfast – him

Breakfast – me – You’ll have to imagine this one, as I didn’t have my camera at work. I stopped at Starbuck’s (sinner!) and then got a raisin tea biscuit at work. It was very yummy!

Lunch – him

He had left over dumplings, whipped cream, fruit and taffy. I wonder if he was hungry… there’s not too much substance there.

Lunch – me

Except: I didn’t have a hard boiled egg, but a 1/3 of a can of salmon. And, I haven’t had the raisin scone yet. I might have it for dessert, with more berries.

Tortoise is out with friends tonight, but I have had a busy night nonetheless. We are leaving tomorrow after work, and then Saturday is my sister’s birthday. I decided to make cupcakes, so at 12:01 am, we can have cake! I also made Peanut Butter cookies from Smitten Kitchen (yum!). For dinner, I had an english muffin with dijon mustard, turkey and tomato. I have to iron and pack, make food and clean up a little. Not much time to waste! Here is dinner, cookies and cupcakes. 

I probably won’t be able to post until Saturday, unless I post quickly from work tomorrow. In any case, I’m going to take loads of photos. Can’t wait!!


Long day, long post!

July 30, 2008

Here we go, all in one go!

Breakfast – his

(he does put milk in his cereal, by the way! I just snapped it before he did.)

Breakfast – mine

And snack, around 10:30

Then, lunch – his

EXCEPT! This beauty of a lunch got left at home 😦 Ah well, the Nutella sandwich, carrots, apricots and taffy are still good for tomorrow.

Lunch – mine

I had half the nectarine and 10 Kashi crackers at 3.

Had a great spinning class – it was actually only the instructor and me! That’s never happened before. It was nice because we chatted, but then I don’t think I worked as hard.

While I was getting dinner ready, I snacked on about another 10 Kashi crackers. It was the end of the box. For dinner, I was making fruit dumplings. Tortoise’s parents have a big apricot tree in their yard and they had sent us home with lots. Tortoise is half Czech and his dad makes fruit dumplings sometimes, so that’s what he wanted to do with the apricots. It was really like breakfast for dinner two days in a row! The dough had to rise for an hour, so I did the dishes, went to the mall for some errands, came home and then we finished everything. It meant we didn’t sit down until about 8:50! That’s a pretty late dinner, even for us. Here it is:

Dinner – him

He had his with whipped cream, cinnamon and maple syrup.

Dinner – mine

I had two more small dumplings. I had mine with cinnamon and maple syrup.

I wouldn’t call this a particularly filling dinner, so maybe it’s good we ate so late. Sometimes it’s nice to have something other than a meat and veggies dinner, but I think even I am a little sick of breakfast for dinner. But don’t tell Tortoise that… I won’t live it down!

After looking up at the photos, something I know I want to improve on is my photo taking abilities. It’s a little hard trying to snap photos of someone else’s meal, so I try to do it rather quickly. And, at work, I’m a little self-conscious about snapping pics of my oatmeal bowl. But, I guess I will improve with time! Next week, the photos should be great! The beach, the BBQ, lots of great food, ice cream… all that good stuff!

Tomorrow night he is meeting a friend after work, so I’ll finish my errands for the trip (magazines, books, car food), pack and tidy up a little.

Sleep well! (I know I will…)

Sleepy head

July 29, 2008

Wow, I could probably fall asleep right now! The run was a little tough today, I think because of the long run yesterday. But, we powered through and felt good at the end. On the way home, we stopped by a friend’s house to drop something up, then picked up eggs for dinner. Finally, I got breakfast for dinner!

My dinner

His dinner

Picture a popcorn snack to come, too! Sorry about that bad photo above. He whisked it out of the kitchen before I could get a photo!

I’m sorry if my posting seems a little random. I can’t really post from work and since many nights we have “activities” after work, my posting in the evenings will be later than most.

Upcoming tomorrow: taking the transit to work (don’t mind too much), busy day, spinning, transit home, then about 99 errands for vacation (books and magazines, toiletries, birthday gift for my sister…). I’d really like to post more than just food photos, but this week has not been exciting at all! But, next week, there will hopefully be many great beach photos, because that would mean hot and sun – exactly what we want!

Good night to my many readers! 😉

Lights out

July 29, 2008

We have been having lots of power failures in our building over the past few weeks. The lights go out for just a second, then come back on, but it’s annoying because it always messes up the stove clock! Today when I came home, all the lights were off in the parking garage. I’m lucky I backed into our spot ok, though at a really funny angle. I guess the power had just gone off, because when I got upstairs, the stove clock was flashing 12:04. Oh well, I guess it’s good that they only go off for a second. It is sort of bizarre though… just wonder what causes that.

Back all the way to breakfast: I stopped at Starbucks this morning. Shh! Don’t tell the espresso man!! I debated on breakfast and finally gave in to a raisin tea biscuit. It’s my weakness about once or twice a week. 

Now to my snack: I always get hungry right after work. I actually ate this bowl x 2. I will be waiting awhile for dinner, though, since we are running, then have two errands to run. 

We’re having breakfast for dinner (yay!), so it will be either waffles, crepes, pancakes or french toast, and probably an egg of some sort. 

See you for dinner!! 🙂

Early morning.

July 29, 2008

Why does morning seem to come so fast? Today will be a busy day, then errands, running, another errand and home to relax around 8:30.

First, last night’s snack – a crumbled scone and yogurt. That’s actually only about 4 tsp of yogurt. I just wanted a small amount.

Now, breakfast – Tortoise.

I’m not sure what I’ll have – but I’ll be sure to take a picture and tell you later.


Lunch – his first, then mine.

See you after work!


*Edited – I only ate half of the nectarine for lunch. I’ll eat the other half for dinner, when we have breakfast for dinner!!

Good run, good food.

July 28, 2008

We went 8k tonight. I said to Tortoise how it’s amazing that he can run 8k no problem when back in May, he’d complain about 4 and would not go any further! It was the perfect temperature for running – not too hot, but very sunny and bright. 

I made a fairly quick dinner when we got home, considering it was already 7:50. We had honey mustard chicken thighs, bulgur and carrots.

Tortoise’s dinner (he had a third thigh too)

My dinner

I’m going to have a snack now. Good night!

Afternoon snacks

July 28, 2008

I will get more creative with titles, I promise! This afternoon at work I snacked on a Larabar and then now I am having some crackers and nuts before running.

See you for dinner after our run!

Monday, again.

July 28, 2008

First day of real food posts! We had a great weekend up north, followed by a frustrating two hours of laundry (more on that tonight). But now it’s Monday and back to work. Actually, only for five days and then I have vacation!!


(Sorry for the side photo. Tortoise just got coffee all over his white shirt, and now we are running late!)

Tortoise loves to make his own coffee. This is what he has most mornings – cereal and coffee. Then a “snack” for the elevator ride down to the car.

I always eat at work. I find that I get hungry on the way to work and then it’s the perfect time to eat breakfast. If I ate it 6:30, I would just be too hungry all morning. I will also have 1% milk to go along with my pita and peanut butter.

Here is lunch for both of us.

(Guess who gets which lunch!)

See you for dinner!!

Second post, photo. But, no food.

July 25, 2008

I now have my camera back, but haven’t taken any food photos yet. I will though! Today I have a summer day, so I am relaxing (read: wasting time) at my parents’ house – pancakes for lunch, watching tennis on tv. We’re going away for the weekend after work today, so I won’t be able to start posting til Monday.

Here is a photo of Hare and Tortoise.See you Monday!

First post, no photos.

July 24, 2008

After I decided on this blog title yesterday, I really wanted to get started. Unfortunately, I left my camera at my parents’ house, so no photos yet.

Here is the basic idea: I wanted to start a food blog because I really like reading the blogs of others. Also, because I love cooking and baking and want to start keeping track of what I make. So, my idea is to show what I make and what I eat, compared to my boyfriend. He is the tortoise (slow but always wins in the end) and I am the hare (you get the idea). As soon as I get some pictures posted, it will all make sense.

That’s all for now. Goodnight!